Saturday, December 27, 2014

Romantic and Sexual Relationships Can Cause Workplace Stress - A Word From the Office

My apologies to those who are not fans of the Office, but I have to admit to being a little addicted. I will use some examples of this popular office comedy highlight some of the difficulties of office romances. Everyone knows that Jim and Pam and the complex relationship established between them. In a sense, there was a sexual tension built up between the two of them, while Pam was engaged to her former boyfriend, a tension that is manifested in friendly banter, many non-labor interactions, and a series of games and funny antics. There is no doubt that the other officers were well aware of this close, even growing relationship. Even more fun because romantic problems highlighted affiliations, sexual activity, even in the workplace was mixed relationship occurred between and among Phyllis, Andy, Dwight and Angela. Clandestine meetings between Dwight and Angela in the staff room seemingly innocuous easily could have caught the attention of his colleagues. When Andy became enamored partner Angela, hostility and competitiveness between Andy and Dwight grew rapidly. To make it more interesting, Phyllis was an unwitting observer of sexual activity between Dwight and Angela in the office, to provide the power to be able to blackmail Angela in management office. I will not continue the analysis, but would point to some very obvious problems that occur when these sexual and romantic relationships thrive in a work environment. There is no doubt that cause loss of productivity, tension, distrust, uncertainty, the reasons for the loss of respect, lack of objectivity in decision-making and allocation of work, jealousy, hostility and stress at work. This is not a very healthy sum, right? A good activity for you at this point would be to reflect on the positive results of these relationships. Is it likely to say that everyone will be more consistent in the workplace? Will they be socially more favorable because there is a public and private sectors employees join? There will be a willingness to compromise and resolve conflicts easily? I do not think it is very difficult to understand the negatives far outweigh the positives in terms of office romances; and there is no doubt that stress in the workplace is increasing. My message is clear, if you want to reduce stress and tension in the workplace and maintain a productive and professional role in his office, be very careful with sexual and romantic relationships at work. In the next article, I'll take a few more issues related to workplace stress due to the escalation of personal relationships.

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